Sports Night - The Complete Series Boxed Set
Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip - The Complete Series
Dear customer:
Thank you for contacting us here at Yak Pak. In reference to your order, we'd like to provide further explanation about the status. Your order, as well as a lot of other web orders, has been delay because of the reason the demand was much higher than anticipated and unfortunately we ran out of WEBS-001. It may become available in the near future. At this moment I will go ahead and cancel your order. The credit card authorization will be release in 3 to 5 working days. It depends on the bank. Once again we are sorry for this inconvenience.
"An idea: Offer the good people of World Wide Web something. Let them not know what it is until they receive it. After all, if anything can be sold on the Internet, why not something? Is it dumb? Or is it brilliant? Something in between? We couldn't decide; here is SomethingStore so you can decide."Brilliant. And only ten bucks.* Don't tell my husband, but I recently purchased my very own Something. It turned out to be a karaoke microphone that I have no use for, but I will certainly try again.
Trivial Pursuit Master Game Genus Edition (1981)
(1) Zulu (2) Lake Maracaibo (3) Six (4) Rudolf Hess (5) Frequency modulation (6) A sleuth (7) Cabbage (8) Rainfall (9) Justerini & Brooks (10) The liver (11) Omar Khayyam (12) Lew Alcindor (13) Eight o'clock (14) Douglas Edwards (15) Cigar bands (16) Plastics
(1) One (2) Czechoslovakia's (3) Hot Lips (4) Bonn (5) Pat Paulson (6) Jarry Park (7) Kodak (8) Princess Anne (9) Norway, Sweden, and the Soviet Union (10) Careers (11) Video Display Terminal (12) West Germany (13) Toronto (14) O.J. Simpson (15) Hong Kong (16) The New York Daily News
I have terrible taste in television. Sure, I watch the shows that you watch--30 Rock, Mad Men, Entourage--and I casually reference them in conversation with normal people. But I also watch the Real World/Road Rules Challenge. I TiVo America's Next Top Model. I watched Studio 60 long after the rest of the world realized it was terrible. If there's an elimination-based reality show on Bravo, no matter how ridiculous the premise, chances are good I love it.
And there's a special place in my heart for anything on Lifetime. During one of those wonderful please-don't-take-my-baby movie marathons they had a woman-on-the-street interview segment before each commercial break. One of them featured the following exchange (I am not making this up):
Person with microphone: And why do you watch Lifetime?Southern-looking over-groomed twenty-something: Because I'm a woman.
That's how I feel about Lifetime. So when I found out about Army Wives, the Lifetime Original tv drama, I set my TiVo immediately. It's great. It's like a combination of M*A*S*H and The Facts of Life. All the women are sassy and full of salt-of-the-earth wisdom while they struggle to maintain normalcy in the midst of hostage situations and explosions on post.
If you like The Real Housewives of Orange County and Top Design, you won't be disappointed with Army Wives.
Bonus points because watching it makes me feel patriotic. Hate the war, love our troops.
Dear Downy Wrinkle Releaser,
I've really enjoyed getting to know you again over these past few months. We had a thing in high school for a while, when you were new to the market and your ads were all over daytime tv, but then we fell out of touch. We both had other things going on. You were no longer widely available on drugstore shelves, while I went off to college and started wearing thrift-store t-shirts every day. I thought I had outgrown you.
Then fate brought us back together. I remember that day three months ago like it was yesterday. I was meandering down the aisle of the Smart & Final looking for fragrance-free dryer sheets and there you were, just as I had remembered you. It had been a long time, but I couldn't stay away. bought you and brought you home with me and we've been together ever since. You were there for me on my first day of work and at that conference where I stuffed all my nice clothes into a duffel bag. I really feel like we have something special.
I'm going to say something now and I don't want you to feel like you have to say it back. I've wanted to tell you this for a while, but I was afraid of how you'd react. I know it seems a little fast, but, well, I love you.
Downy Wrinkle Releaser (travel size)
Downy Wrinkle Releaser (full size)
I have a very grown-up appreciation for Newsies. I won't lie. When I was younger, I had a thing for Christian Bale, with his slightly-above-average singing voice and post-adolescent good looks. Who didn't? But now my love of Newsies is a mature love that has nothing to do with the singing, dancing young men I loved so much when I was 12. That would be gross (and probably illegal).
Now I appreciate the artistry of the film. The choreography. The historical accuracy. The uplifting message that a rag-tag group of newspaper boys could take on the establishment and win. This movie is a must-see for anyone who is fascinated by turn-of-the-20th-century New York politics or who appreciates musical theater as an art form.
I just found out that Christian Bale was 18 when Newsies was made. I can now officially say that he is dreamy in this movie. Totally legal.
I love board games of all kinds. I also tend to befriend competitive people, so I'm always a little scared to play games like Risk and Settlers of Cattan with the people I know. Get together games (Taboo, Apples to Apples, etc.) tend to be a safer bet. More yelling, but less silent seething anger at someone who attacks Australia or corners the market in wheat.
Catch Phrase is the best get together game ever. At it's most basic level, it's a combination of Taboo without rules and Hot Potato without potatoes. The electronic version is best.
You and your overly competitive friends divide yourselves into two teams and sit in a circle of alternating team members and pass around the game (which is roughly the size and shape of a panini). When it's your turn, you read the word or phrase on the screen and try to make your teammates guess it by any means necessary as the game beeps progressively faster in a crazy-making way. When your team guesses correctly, you pass the game to the next player as the beeps get closer and closer together and start to eat your soul. The team left holding the game when the beeps stop is stoned to death.
For example, if the phrase on the screen is "Great Wall" you might say something like "This is a man-made object that can be seen from space," or "This is a miles-long structure in China." Or you could just start shouting "BLANK BLANK OF CHINA" over and over again as the game beeps faster and faster and your teammates grasp for answers: "People's Republic?" "Communist Party?"
Sadly, I can never play Catch Phrase with that group of friends again.
I am an excellent roller skater. Very few people know this about me, not because I am modest, but because I have had trouble finding ways to work this fun fact into conversation.
boring person at party: Blah, blah, blah, my cousin's wedding.
me: I am an excellent roller skater.
Now imagine, if you will, me at the same party wearing heelies. When I find myself in a conversation that turns boring, I could turn and gracefully roll away on one heel. The boring person would then understand not only that he is boring, but also that I am probably an excellent roller skater (which I am).
Other times I have wished I was wearing heelies:
Did you know that they come in adult sizes? They do. Best thing ever.